Underage DWI Lawyers in Westchester County
Skilled & Aggressive Representation to Underage DWI Charges
Our Westchester County underage DWI lawyers have represented numerous underage drivers who have been charged with driving while intoxicated (DWI), Driving While Ability Impaired by Alcohol (DWAI), and the traffic offense of "driving after having consumed alcohol". In all instances, it is absolutely vital for an underage driver to have legal representation at every stage as the consequences for an underage driver can be devastating to their lives and future. We understand the consequences and we strive to obtain excellent results for our clients.
If you or your child are facing underage DWI charges, call Proto, Sachs & Brown, LLP at (914) 840-5104 today to schedule your free initial consultation.
What Is New York State's "Zero Tolerance" Law?
The Zero Tolerance law applies to a person under age 21 who operates a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .02% or more but not more than .07%. If a person under the age of 21 is stopped by a police officer for having consumed alcohol and the police officer determines that the person appears to have consumed alcohol, the police officer has the right to detain that person for the purpose of giving them a breathalyzer test. If that person refuses to take the breathalyzer test, the person will be subject to a license revocation of at least one year.
Results of the Breathalyzer Test for Underage Drivers in Westchester County
If the underage driver's BAC is .02% or more, but not more than .07%, they will be charged with the traffic offense of "driving after having consumed alcohol." They will then be provided with a notice to appear for a hearing before an administrative law judge of the Department of Motor Vehicles. See "The DMV Administrative Hearing" below.
If the underage driver's BAC is more than .05% but not more than .07%, the police will have the option of charging you with "driving while ability is impaired by alcohol" (DWAI). This will require the underage driver to appear in criminal court and they will face the same penalties and consequences as a driver 21 years or older.
If the underage driver's BAC is more than .07% but less than .08% they will be charged with the offense of "driving while ability is impaired by alcohol" (DWAI). This will require the underage driver to appear in criminal court and they will face the same penalties and consequences as a driver 21 years or older. Please visit our DWI and DWAI Penalties page for more information.
If the underage driver's BAC is .08% or more, they will be charged with the crime of "driving while intoxicated" (DWI). This will require the underage driver to appear in criminal court and they will face the same penalties and consequences as a driver 21 years or older.
The DMV Administrative Hearing
If an underage driver is charged with having operated a motor vehicle after having consumed alcohol (BAC of .02% or more, but not more than .07%) and is scheduled for a DMV administrative hearing the police officer has the burden of proof and must prove the following.
Proof includes:
- The underage driver was the person who operated the motor vehicle;
- A valid request was made to submit to a chemical test (e.g., breathalyzer);
- The chemical test was properly administered and showed that the underage driver had consumed alcohol (.02% or more); and
- That the police officer made a lawful stop of the underage driver's vehicle.
The underage driver will be entitled to provide evidence in his or her defense, including any witnesses, and is entitled to have a Westchester County underage DWI attorney represent them at the hearing. At the conclusion of the hearing, the administrative law judge will make a finding. If the administrative law judge makes a finding that the police officer met their burden of proof then, at the very least, the underage age driver's license will be suspended for six months and they will have to pay a penalty of $125.
In addition, to have their driver's license reinstated after the six months, the underage driver must pay an additional $100 fee to have their license reinstated. If an underage driver is charged with having driven after consuming alcohol, the charge will remain on your record for three years or until you are 21, whichever is longer. If the underage driver has any prior alcohol-related traffic offenses on their record, their driver's license will be revoked for one year or until they reach the age of 21, whichever is longer.

Why You Should Choose Our Law Firm
Providing Experienced Guidance for Your Legal Needs
Premier CounselSelection for Super Lawyers® (top 5% of New York attorneys)
Award-WinningAvvo Clients’ Choice Award for Family Law and Criminal Defense
Published Legal AuthorsCo-Authored National Bestsellers on DWI & Criminal Defense
Experience & Perspective100+ years of combined experience, including criminal prosecution