Juvenile Appearance Tickets: What You Should Know

The Juvenile Appearance Ticket and Westchester County Youth Court In New York State, means that underage offenders do not appear in adult court, but are referred to either the Westchester County Youth Court, Westchester County Department of Probation, or the Westchester County Family Court.

Juvenile Court 101

If your child has been accused of a crime, they are usually issued a summons to appear in the Youth Court or at the Probation Department to answer the charges. These “Juvenile Appearance Tickets” are issued under the New York State Raise the Age Law. As a parent it is important to act fast and retain our experienced Westchester County juvenile defense attorneys.

Penalties for Juvenile Offenders

The Youth Court and New York juvenile court system have its own set of rules and potential penalties for underage individuals. The consequences of a juvenile conviction, in general, are not as severe as the adult system, but it still can impact both you and your child’s life.

If convicted, your child may have to be detained for a period, attend rehabilitation classes, perform community service, stay under house arrest, or face a number of various consequences. In addition, some of the collateral consequences include discipline proceedings at your child’s high school, securing employment, getting accepted to or attending college after acceptance. Also, depending on the facts of each case Child Protective Services (CPS) may investigate or law enforcement can also investigate the parent.

Do You Need an Attorney?

We will protect your child’s rights and protect your child from criminal liability as quickly and efficiently as possible. It is recommended that as soon as law enforcement contacts you or your child to immediately call our office to begin the defense. When we represent you, we are available to answer all your and your child’s questions to help understand the process and the defense strategy. Do not face the juvenile court system alone.

Our Attorneys Can Help

In Juvenile Defense Experience Matters White Plains criminal defense attorneys Andrew Proto and David Sachs regularly represent minors in the Westchester County Youth Court, Westchester County Department of Probation and in the Westchester County Family Court. Our experience also extends to the defense of CPS proceedings and the defense of local school district/college disciplinary proceedings. Our goal is to protect you and your child’s rights to avoid criminal liability.

Recent Case Results:

If your child has been contacted by law enforcement or issues a Juvenile Appearance Ticket, we urge you to seek legal counsel. We are compassionate, committed attorneys with offices located in White Plains and downtown Peekskill. Not only will we guide you through the juvenile court process, but we will also aggressively defend the case.

Schedule a free initial case evaluation today!