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White Plains CPS Investigation Ended Early - Report Unfounded


The Westchester County Child Protective Services (CPS) lawyers at Proto, Sachs & Brown, LLP recently obtained an Unfounded finding after a CPS investigation but before the end of the 60 day investigation period.

A school official reported the child’s parents to Westchester County CPS alleging the parents had neglected, abused or otherwise maltreated the child after a school official discovered mild bruising on the child’s arm. The parents denied any wrongdoing. A CPS caseworker was called to the parent’s home and demanded to interview the child, mother, father, tour the home and conduct a physical inspection of the child. The case worker also demanded the parents sign medial and school authorizations. The parents began to make statements to the caseworker, believing they had nothing to hide, but quickly felt the caseworker was not writing an accurate report.

The following day the parents hired Andrew Proto an attorney with the White Plains Law Firm Proto, Sachs & Brown, LLP. As a CPS attorney Mr. Proto advised the parents regarding a legal strategy to fight the false allegations of abuse, neglect and maltreatment of the child. Mr. Proto immediately contacted the caseworker and instructed the caseworker to refrain from contacting the family. Mr. Proto then contacted the Westchester County Attorney’s Office to argue on behalf of the family.

After a few weeks the investigation ended as closed, unfounded and sealed. The parents were ecstatic to have the investigation closed with an unfounded result.

Attorney Andrew Proto handles all types of CPS, Fair Hearing and Family Court matters. Attorney Proto believes that during a CPS investigation the best defense is to retain a lawyer as soon as possible before you waive any of your, your child’s or your family’s rights. CPS is the government and no parent wants the government involved in their lives causing disruption to the family and public embarrassment.

If you have a CPS, ACS or Family Court issue call the law offices of Proto, Sachs & Brown, LLP. Their attorneys are available to explain the process and assist with the CPS investigation, any Fair Hearing or case in the Family Court.

Proto, Sachs & Brown, LLP has their main office located in downtown White Plains with additional offices in Peekskill ,New York, New York. (914) 946-4808.