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Anthony Weiner and Sex Crime Defense


What’s next for Anthony Weiner & The Sex Crime Defense

Former congressman, Anthony Weiner pled guilty in federal court to the sex offense of transferring obscene material to a minor and faced 10 years in federal prison. He admitted to tweeting a sexually explicit photo/conversations to a minor.

Weiner was sentenced to 21 months at Devens Federal Medical Center in Ayer, Massachusetts. Devens, as it is commonly refered to, is a residential treatment center for sex offenders. Weiner will also have to register as a sex offender for life.

The interplay between the Federal criminal justice system and the State system is important to understand in a sex offense case. Anthony Weiner could have been charged in both State court and Federal court for the aforementioned crime. Where a sex offense case is prosecuted depends on many factors such as, who initiated the investigation, the nature of the charge and the extent of the sex offense. Child pornography as an internet crime is most common for transfer to or initiated in the federal system. It is common for a State sex offender investigation/arrest to be transferred to federal court even after an arrest under the New York State Penal Law.

As sex offense and child pornography criminal defense lawyers in Westchester County our clients contact us either during an investigation or immediately after arrest. The earlier we are contacted the better, as this allows us to determine the nature and extent of the investigation and potential State court and Federal court consequences.

Our attorneys are skilled sex offense defense lawyers and have the understanding of both federal and state investigations. We have worked with computer experts to attack the prosecution’s case to explore every defense.

As a sex offender criminal defense lawyer it is important to have an understanding of the internet and the exchange of files such as child pornography. This includes peer to peer (P2P), dropbox, BitTorrent, chat rooms, dark web applications, classified listing websites such as Craigslist, dating websites, social media, and any other file sharing networks. It also, includes the tracking of IP addresses, secure networks and different ISP.

If you or a loved one is under investigation or under arrest for a sex offense or child pornography charge in either State of Federal Court it is important to contact a skilled criminal defense attorney. Our sex offense lawyers are published authors in criminal defense.

Our law firm has offices located in downtown White Plains and Peekskill, NY. We are highly rated lawyers with an excellent reputation for protecting our clients. Call today (914) 946-4808 or contact us online.
