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Criminal Defense Lawyer in Westchester - Assault Charges


Proto, Sachs & Brown, LLP Defends Client Charged with Assault

OurĀ Criminal Defense attorney appeared in Westchester County Court to defend a client charged with felony Assault in the First Degree. Assault in the First Degree is a B/felony that carries very severe penalties including years in prison and probation.

Under New York Law, Assault includes acts where a person intentionally causes serious physical injury to another by using a deadly or dangerous weapon. However, the statute also includes other acts which might lead to someone being charged with felony assault.

If you have been arrested for a felony or if you have been charged with any classification of Assault, you need the assistance of a proven criminal defense attorney you can discuss the facts of your case and explain how to defend your rights and freedom.

Proto, Sachs & Brown, LLP has successfully defended numerous individuals charged with assault and we can help you. We will take the time to review all aspects of your case to develop an appropriate and effective defense.

Contact us for a free consultation (914) 946-4808.

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