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Federal Crimes in NY: What to Expect


Federal charges are vastly different from state charges and operate under a different system. These cases can be extremely complex and often expose a defendant to serious penalties if convicted. If you should ever face federal criminal charges, there are several things you can expect to happen.

Get Ready for Tenacious Prosecution

If your case should go federal, it is highly likely that you will face an aggressive prosecution. In state courts, prosecutors generally only have a short window to look at your case before court proceedings commence. Assistant United Sates Attorneys, on the other hand, typically have a smaller portfolio of cases that they are working on at one time and will therefor dedicate a large amount of time to your case if they choose to take it on. By the time your federal trial begins, the prosecution will likely have been investigating you for several weeks.

Federal Courts Operate on a Different Schedule

Unlike state courts where several cases may be heard on the same day, federal courts will likely only hear one case at a time. State cases have a tendency to be dismissed due to chaotic scheduling. This is not the case in federal courts, as you can expect the prosecution and all key witnesses to be present and prepared.

Bail May Be Conditional

Posting bail in a state case is usually just a simple matter of coming up with a certain amount of money as designated by the courts. If you have been charged with a federal offense, however, bail can become much more complicated. In addition to paying a fine, a judge will likely impose certain requirements that must be met in order to be released on bail.

Conditions for release can include:

  • Frequent check-ins with pretrial services officers
  • Mental health treatments
  • House arrest

These requirements will depend upon the specific charges, though they are likely to be present if the defendant has a significant flight risk or if is deemed dangerous.

Facing Federal Charges? Call (914) 840-5104

Since federal cases are so vigorously prosecuted, these cases must be handled by a skilled defense attorney who can match the prosecution’s intensity. If you have been charged with committing a federal crime, a Westchester County criminal defense lawyer from Proto, Sachs & Brown, LLP can provide the hard-hitting defense you need to maximize your chances of securing a desirable outcome for your situation. With more than 50 years of combined legal experience, our firm’s vast knowledge can give you the edge in the courtroom and protect your rights every step of the way.

Contact our office online or request a free consultation today!
