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CPS Fair Hearing

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Success at a Fair Hearing in White Plains, NY

In December 2015, the lawyers at Proto, Sachs & Brown, LLP successfully argued a client’s case before the Office of Children and Family Services in Westchester County, White Plains, New York.

The Department of Social Services argued that two children had been abused by their mother claiming that while she was in an intoxicated state, she whipped the children with a wire and engaged in a physical altercation with the children resulting in police intervention. Child Protective Services investigated the children’s and police department’s claims and indicated the CPS report against the mother.

At the hearing the CPS lawyers at our office successfully argued that the Department of Social Services for Westchester County failed to prove their case of maltreatment of the children by a fair preponderance of the evidence. Our lawyers pointed to overzealous CPS workers who manipulated the truth to indicate our client’s case.

At the conclusion of the hearing the administrative law judge agreed with our defense and directed that the indicated report be amended to unfounded and sealed.

Do Not Appear at a Fair Hearing without Legal Counsel

A Fair Hearing is a serious legal matter and requires competent legal protection. You are entitled legal representation and should have a lawyer with you as early in the process as possible.

Our attorneys have the experience and aggressive nature to protect your rights at any fair hearing. We will meet with you and review the case to be sure you understand the process and legal strategy for success.

How to Win a Fair Hearing

As CPS defense attorneys we regularly represent client in all OCFS cases. The key strategy to the defense is proper investigation and preparation by the defense attorney.

At Proto, Sachs & Brown, LLP we take the time to properly prepare your case including speaking to witnesses, the county attorney and immediately argue on your behalf at every court appearance.

Free Consultation

If you want to fight an indicated finding at a fair hearing call our offices for a free initial consultation (914) 946-4808. Our offices are located in downtown White Plains and we appear at all DSS/OCFS offices in New York City, Westchester, Rockland, Putnam, Dutchess and Orange Counties.
