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Yonkers DWI Lawyer helps client avoid Aggravated DWI Conviction


Driver Avoids Aggravated DWI Conviction in Yonkers-Westchester County, NY

A client of the Yonkers DWI defense firm of Proto, Sachs & Brown, LLP avoided a criminal conviction for Aggravated DWI in the Yonkers City Court and the elevated penalties associated with Aggravated DWI.

In this particular instance, the police were called to a one car accident which resulted in significant damage to property owned by a private homeowner. The driver was arrested at the scene and charged with Aggravated DWI in Yonkers based upon a BAC of 0.21%.

Notably, in 2006 the laws in New York pertaining to DWI were changed significantly. As a direct result of these changes, drivers who had a prior DWI convictions and those with elevated BAC levels greater than 0.18% were faced with stiffer penalties and a longer mandatory license revocation. In fact, Aggravated DWI, was an entirely new charge that did not exist prior to November of 2006. With Aggravated DWI, the driver must have a BAC (blood alcohol concentration) of 0.18% or higher. Any conviction under the law carries a fine with a surcharge are well over $1,000, and the person's driver's license will be revoked for at least one year.

These same penalties were facing our client in the Yonkers criminal court. However, after extensive investigation by our experienced DWI defense attorneys, the case concluded with the client avoiding an Aggravated DWI conviction. He did not pay the elevated fines and surcharges and he did not have his driver's license suspended for 12 months.

Why Hire Our Firm?

Experience and Aggressive Representation. Our Yonkers DWI lawyers are all published authors dedicated to educating the public and other lawyers about DWI law and DWI defense in New York State. Our books are available for purchase on Amazon.

If you or anyone you know has been arrested and charged with DWI, Aggravated DWI or DWAI (Driving While Ability Impaired), you should contact the proven DWI defense lawyers of Proto, Sachs & Brown, LLP. With more than five decades of combined experience, as well as serving as former prosecutors in the Westchester and New York District Attorney Offices, our DWI defense attorneys have been protecting the rights and driving privileges of Yonkers residents for years. We will fight for you and aggressively defend your interests.

If you have questions, we offer a Free Consultation for all matters. Contact Us to find out how we can assist you. (914) 840-5104.
