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The Rights of Fathers in Westchester Divorce and Custody Cases



The Rights of the Father in Westchester Child Custody Cases

One of the more common questions asked by both men and women involved in child custody cases in Westchester County, NY is "what are the chances that the father will be able to get custody of the children?"

While years ago the courts may have showed women preferential treatment when it came to issues of child custody, that notion has become more of a common misconception than reality in current Westchester Family Court and divorce proceedings. More than ever, fathers fighting for custody in divorce cases or in front of the Westchester Family Court are prevailing and protecting their parental and custodial rights.

Whether you are a man or a woman, it is extremely important that you understand your rights and what those rights entitle you considering this shift in how child custody is handled by the Westchester Courts in New York.

Knowing and Understanding your Custodial Rights in Westchester County, NY

First, any party involved in a divorce or family court proceeding must understand that under the law fathers and mothers share the same parental rights.

In fact, New York law does not recognize any difference between men and women when considering matters of child custody and parental access (visitation). This is a fact that must not be overlooked. Many fathers feel as though they should not fight for custody of their children because the law is against them. Conversely, many women believe that the law will help them win custody and are not fully prepared to handle the issue when it is raised as part of a divorce or child custody proceeding.

The Westchester family law attorneys of Proto, Sachs & Brown, LLP have assisted countless clients in divorce and child custody cases understand their rights. More importantly, we have a proven track record of success in helping our clients get custody and access to their child, even in the most difficult of situations.

Everyone's Case is Different

Since no two cases are the same, it is important to be represented by an experienced divorce and family law lawyer with a depth of knowledge and understanding of how the law works, so that the very specific and personal details of your case can be appropriately handled both in and out of court. At Proto, Sachs & Brown, LLP, our divorce attorneys have more than 50 years of combined experience fighting for clients throughout Weschester County.

If you are a parent, and you want to be awarded custody of your children, or if you are seeking to modify and change a current custody arrangement, you should contact Proto, Sachs & Brown, LLP and learn more about your rights and how the should be protected.

The Question of Involvement

Unfortunately, despite the current state of the law, one of the crucial issues that fathers seemingly still need to face more that mothers centers around involvement with the children. However, in many instances, this is question that mothers must answer as well.

Ask yourself:

  • Do I active role in my child's life?
  • Do I have an active interest in my child's life?
  • What is my influence in my child's life?
  • What is my relationship with my child, do we have a good rapport?
  • Does my child want to live with me?
  • How much time do I regularly spend with my child?

Not only are the answers to these and many other questions like these important, equally important is how are you able to demonstrate or prove your involvement with your children.

Hiring a Proven Westchester Divorce and Family Law Attorney is Important

Dealing with the stress of a divorce or child custody case may make it difficult to make the decisions that will best protect your parental rights. This is a critical period when any decision will shape and impact the lives of both you and your children. Do not make these crucial decisions alone. Contact the Westchester family law lawyers of Proto, Sachs & Brown, LLP for a free consultation. We will discuss your options and help you get the results that you want.

Call (914) 840-5104.