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Client Avoids DWI Arrest


A former client of the Westchester County, White Plains law firm of Proto, Sachs & Brown, LLP avoided an arrest for a DWI charge in Putnam County, New York by carrying our business card in his wallet and calling the law firm.

One of our former clients had just been pulled over for suspicion of DWI and was being held at the local police station in Putnam County. While at the police station the former client called our law office in White Plains with this emergency situation. Our quick thinking office staff immediately forwarded the call to our DWI lawyer who was out traveling to court. Our DWI lawyer took the call on the road, spoke with the former client and State Police Troopers.

The former client had been pulled over for a minor traffic infraction and the State Police were suspicious of a possible DWI. Luckily for the former client our DWI lawyers were able to explain important information to the trooper such as client's speech was not slurred but actually was just a small lisp. Our DWI lawyer also discussed other aspects of the investigation. The main issue was that our former client was scared to take a Breathalyzer test as the client feared a false positive result. The client had prior DWI's and did not want to be arrested again.

From our DWI attorney's car, the attorney and client spoke about the investigation and what exactly happened. The goal was to determine if it was a good idea to take the Breathalyzer test or to refuse the test. After the conversation it was determined the client should take the test. The BAC result was below the level for a DWI charge and below the level for the lesser impaired charge.

The former client was immediately released with a simple traffic infraction and our DWI attorney proceeded to court.

As a criminal defense law firm in Westchester County we have represented countless criminal defense clients. We always use the expression that "once you are a client of the firm, you are always a client of the firm". Our clients keep our business cards or phone numbers in their phones to call our office in an emergency, for further legal advice or to call on behalf of a family member or friend. We always make every effort to make ourselves available at all times even on nights and weekends.

Once a Client of the Firm, Always a Client of the Firm

At Proto, Sachs & Brown, LLP our lawyers always remain available to help our former clients, their family and friends. We sometimes hear from our client's years later asking for advice or looking for additional legal representation.

Our initial consultations are free and our advice is straight forward. If you or a loved one is in need of a criminal defense attorney call our office for a consultation (914) 946-4808.
