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Aggressive Mount Pleasant, NY Speeding Ticket Lawyers


Recently, a driver contacted our office and was extremely concerned about his 4 point speeding ticket that he had received in Valhalla, NY which is located in the Town of Mount Pleasant in Westchester County, NY. The driver was very worried because he had never received a speeding ticket before and due to the nature of his employment he could not afford any points on his driver's license.

The Mount Pleasant speeding ticket lawyer at our firm very quickly assured our client that our firm had the experience that was necessary to obtain the result that he needed. After requesting mitigating information from our client, our Mount Pleasant speeding ticket appeared in the Town of Mount Pleasant Justice Court and presented the information to the prosecutor. As a result, our client's four point speeding ticket was reduced to a parking ticket with a nominal fine. The result was that NO points were assessed against our client's driver's license and will NOT be reported to the DMV.

Necessity of Hiring an Aggressive and Experienced Speeding Ticket Lawyer

Whether you are a driver who has received a speeding ticket in Valhalla or a driver who received any kind of traffic ticket in Westchester County, contacting an experienced and aggressive speeding ticket lawyer to represent you can mean the difference between points and no points on your driver's license. They know the law, understand the law, they understand the local practices of the individual courts and prosecutors and how to best obtain the results that you need.

Free Consultations for all Mount Pleasant Traffic Tickets

If you have received a speeding ticket in Mount Pleasant, NY or a traffic ticket for any other reason, please call our office for a free consultation with one of our traffic ticket lawyers. Contact us online or by calling us at (914) 840-5140.
