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The New York DWI Arrest and Defense


"Andrew was a big help in my DWI case in White Plains. We appeared in Court together and he always took time to explain my case and all of my options. Andrew even gave me his e-mail address and responded to my questions on weekends. I was lucky to have such an open and compassionate lawyer. I didn't know him from anyone when I found him on the internet but now I feel comfortable calling him anytime." -- Client Testimonial as posted on

Driving While Intoxicated (DWI)

Westchester County, White Plains, DWI Lawyers

If you or a loved one have been arrested for driving while intoxicated (DWI) in Westchester County, New York or in any of the surrounding counties you need a knowledgeable and experienced DWI defense attorney to protect your liberty, driver's license and insurance rates.

At Proto, Sachs & Brown, LLP our DWI lawyers have handled countless DWI cases including felony DWI and misdemeanor DWI. We understand the entire criminal justice system, the DWI Laws and the potential DWI defenses to help our clients obtain the best possible result in their case.

As a former Assistant District Attorneys and now DWI defense lawyers we know both the prosecution strategies and the best DWI defense. Our DWI lawyers understand how and why the police charge DWI offenses and how the District Attorney's Office will evaluate the case. Most importantly, our DWI lawyers can evaluate each case and make a determination if the prosecution has a strong or weak case.

We provide an aggressive drunk driving defense, sound legal counsel, including the best strategic decision to move your case forward for the best possible result. Our approach also includes:

  • We fully explain the law including options for proceeding
  • We provide advice and counsel at all times
  • We will return your phone calls and be available for office meetings
  • We have handled countless DWI cases in Westchester and the surrounding counties
  • We are former DWI prosecutors
  • We understand the scientific and medical evidence incorporated into every DWI arrest
  • We aggressively pursue a dismissal, reduction of the charge or if necessary we are ready to conduct a trial

When Should You Hire a DWI Lawyer?

You should hire an experienced DWI lawyer as soon as possible after an arrest. The earlier our DWI lawyers start working on your case the better it will be for you and the defense. In most instances we have our clients prepare before the first court date to protect our clients driver's license and meet certain statutory requirements. This early preparation makes the entire process easier for our clients and strengthens the defense.

The consequences of a DWI prosecution or conviction can be severe, including jail, probation, a criminal record and loss of your driver's license. At Proto, Sachs & Brown, LLP we are tough DWI lawyers fully familiar with all the local courts in Westchester County and the surrounding counties. We always provide a personalized defense to avoid undue hardship for you and your family.

Our DWI lawyers have represented clients from all walks of life, including business professionals, teachers, lawyers, doctors, accountants, students, truck drivers (CDL) and those under 21 years old. We are aware of and can help with any ancillary consequences of a DWI arrest such as suspension and/or loss of a professional license.

Why Hire Our Firm?

Experience and Aggressive Representation. Our DWI lawyers are all published authors dedicated to educating the public and other lawyers about DWI law and DWI defense in New York State. Our books are available for purchase on Amazon.

The DWI tickets issued at Arrest

It is against the law in New York to drive a motor vehicle while intoxicated. Police will issue a ticket under Vehicle and Traffic Law (VTL) 1192.2 if there is a breath test of .08% or above. Police will also issue a ticket for VTL 1192.3 alleging that in the officer's opinion the motorist looked intoxicated. There is usually at least one more ticket representing why the motorist was pulled over (speeding, moving from lane unsafely, tailgating, failure to signal, failure to stay in lane).

Call our Law Office for a Free Initial Consultation

If you or a loved one has been arrested for a DWI our DWI lawyers will provide you with a free initial consultation. We are confident that after speaking with our DWI lawyers you will understand the process and how we can provide immediate help.

Our main office is located in White Plains, New York and we regularly represent clients in all the local justice courts and county courts in Westchester County and the surrounding counties. Call or e-mail for your consultation.

"I am not happy about my DWI but my attorney was perfect in helping me get through the case. He explained everything to me and took the time to answer my questions. The result was everything I wanted no criminal convictions and most of the charges were just dismissed." -- Client Testimonial as posted on
