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Speeding Ticket in Lewisboro NY Dismissed

A driver came to our firm with an 8 point speeding ticket which he received in Goldens Bridge, NY which is within the boundaries of the Town of Lewisboro in Westchester County, NY. The Lewisboro police officer who issued the speeding ticket alleged that on a very dark and rainy night he used his radar to clock our client's vehicle traveling at a speed which was thirty miles over the speed limit. Our client was in a very difficult position. He already had 8 points on his driving record. This meant that he faced a lengthy suspension of his driver's license if his Lewisboro speeding ticket resulted in at least 3 points being added to his license. As a result, the driver hired our office to fight his Lewisboro speeding ticket.

Our office acted quickly and with the assistance of the client we prepared a very sound legal defense and strategy to fight the speeding ticket. At our first court appearance in the Lewisboro court we discussed the matter with the prosecutor who was initially not inclined to reduce the speeding ticket to anything lower than a 4 point speeding ticket. Fortunately, our Lewisboro speeding ticket lawyer who appeared in court knew the law cold. Through effective legal argument and by presenting convincing mitigating information specifically pertaining to our client we were able to convince the prosecutor to reduce the speeding ticket to a non-moving traffic violation which carried no points.

Necessity of hiring a lawyer for Lewisboro NY speeding ticket

The Lewisboro speeding ticket matter discussed above is exactly one of the many reasons why hiring a Lewisboro speeding ticket lawyer can be absolutely vital in protecting a driver's license. Hiring an aggressive, knowledgeable and convincing speeding ticket lawyer meant the difference between the driver leaving the Lewisboro Court with a suspended driver's license or leaving with his driver's license intact. Fortunately for the driver he made the right decision.

Free Initial Consultations for all Lewisboro speeding tickets and traffic violations

Our firm, located in White Plains, NY, offers free initial consultations for all speeding and traffic ticket matters. If you have received a speeding ticket or other traffic ticket in Lewisboro, in Westchester County or surrounding counties, please contact us online or by calling our office at (914) 946-4808.
