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Success in the Westchester County Family Court


Recently the law firm of Proto, Sachs & Brown, LLP, successfully restored physical and legal custody to the mother of a six year old child. This complex custody litigation was not easy but because of the excellent lawyering and a passionate mother, custody rights were restored.

Our Client in the White Plains Family Court

The client, a mother in her mid-20's, had physical and legal custody of her son since birth. She was assigned a public defender in the Westchester County Family Court (White Plains) after the father petitioned for custody of the child. By the middle of a trial the mother had lost all custody rights to the child and access to the child. The father had a good lawyer and had total control of the case and the child.

The client came to our office in tears never expecting the case to have gone so badly and to lose all rights to her child. The law office of Proto, Sachs & Brown, LLP immediately began an aggressive legal strategy to restore her parental rights. This included all three law partners working to develop a sound legal plan including a through interview of the client, the client's family and a review of all records maintained by the Westchester County Family Court. After speaking with the father's attorney, the attorney for the child and speaking with the judge it was clear the mother, now our client, had been given very bad legal advice by her prior attorney regarding how to proceed in the Westchester County Family Court and in our opinion doing everything wrong.

Over the course of the next few months our office was able to first restore limited access to the child for the mother and then extended access to the child for the mother. Our office then recognized a weakness in the father's case and without the need to even finish the trial we were able to convince the judge that our client, the mother, should have full custody restored. Our office continued to aggressively represent the mother and when certain facts presented themselves further weakening the father's case we took advantage of the situation to have the child returned to the mother. At additional court appearances all of the father's access to the child was denied and full custody was restored to the mother.

This was the result our client wanted, full custody of the six year old child. She and the child were very happy.

Ultimately our office was able to resolve the case without the need for a long and drawn out trial. The mother retained all of her physical custody rights and the mother agreed to allow the father limited visitation with the child.

At the law office of Proto, Sachs & Brown, LLP we always aggressively fight for our client's rights and their goals. This case is a great example of the countless clients who walk into our office in an almost impossible situation but our top custody lawyers are able to turn the case around in our client's favor.

Top Westchester County Custody Lawyers

The top custody lawyers always give good long lasting advice and never tell clients "what they want to hear" because that is just bad lawyering and will always end up with a bad result for the client in the end. Our custody lawyers go above and beyond in every case and remain available to discuss issues as they arise months or even years after the case is over.

Once you are a client of the law firm you are always a client of the law firm.

Proto, Sachs & Brown, LLP

At the law firm of Proto, Sachs & Brown, LLP our only goal is to protect our client's rights, interests and obtain their goals. We are passionate about all of our client's matters and provide vigorous representation centered on sound legal advice.

If you or a loved one has a custody dispute or any family court matter in Westchester or the surrounding counties call our office for a FREE initial consultation. We will take the time to discuss you case, your options and how we can help. Call (914) 946-4808 or send us an e-mail.
