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Top Ten Witnesses for a Custody Case


Witnesses for a Custody Trial

As family law attorneys in Westchester County, New York we are always preparing our client's custody cases to achieve their goals. This includes identifying the best legal strategy, reviewing the applicable law for each unique fact pattern and identifying potential witnesses for trial.

As custody lawyers it is important to identify the potential witnesses for our client should the custody case proceed to a hearing or trial. Identifying witnesses is always part of our initial and ongoing interviews with our client in every custody case.

Many attorneys find it difficult to approach witnesses but at our office we work with out clients to have our client's make the first introductions before we conduct a witness interview. This will put the witness as ease and allow the witness to speak freely regarding the custody case. As custody lawyers we want a cooperative witnesses who can provide first hand information about the custody case and we want to make sure the witness will present well in court.

It is important to remember that it is not the quantity of witnesses presented it is the quality of what each witness as to say to the court. In order words who can offer the best evidence to achieve the client's goals.

Our top ten witnesses and topics of testimony include:

  1. Relatives & Neighbors – Day to day care and domestic violence.
  1. Teachers and other School Employees – Ability and development of the child, Interaction with parents, discipline and school records.
  1. Day Care Workers – Observations of care and development, parent participation and transportation of the child.
  1. Activity Leaders – Scouts, sports, music and the level of parent participation.
  1. Religious Leaders – Attendance at services, religious upbrining of the child.
  1. Babysitters – Household routine, observations of the child at home and who supervises the child.
  1. Co-Workers and Friends – Knowledge and interaction with the child and stability of the child.
  1. Counselors and psychologists – Expert opinion as to parties actively in counseling.
  1. Doctors – Medical problems of the parents and who provides the medical care for the child.
  1. Negative Witnesses – Police reports, CPS workers, drug counselors.

Witnesses are usually confined to testify only about matters that they have first hand knowledge of including specific situations or events they personally observed.

The best family law custody lawyers all know that preparation and review of the witness's testimony is essential. This includes preparing a witness for cross-examination and potential pitfalls of the case.

The first step in any custody case is to contact a custody lawyer as soon as possible. If you or a loved one is involved in any family court litigation including custody call our law office for a free consultation. During the consultation we can discuss your options and how our office can help your specific case.

Our lawyers have decades or experience handling countless child custody cases. We are aggressive attorneys who always make ourselves available to help you and your children.

Call us today (914) 946-4808
